Language Features

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At the moment, the following sections describe only those language features that are New or Enhanced relative to the Extended APL Standard, or that deserve special comment.


Primitive functions

Primitive operators


System Commands

System Commands provide features to the user of the APL system, separate from actual workspaces, variables or APL operators. These provide such features as accessing files, saving a workspace, and exiting the APL interpreter. The commands are not case sensitive, so )IN and )in do the same thing.

NARS2000 currently has the following system commands:

)BOX Turn ON/OFF box around output
)CLEAR Start a new session manager window with an empty workspace
)EDIT Create a new function in the workspace or edit an existing function
)ERASE Delete a variable or function in the current workspace
)EXIT Close down the interpreter and exit the program. Same as )OFF
)FOP Display functions, operators, and hyperators. Same as )FOPS
)HYP Display hyperators only
)LAOD Alternative spelling of )LOAD
)LOAD Load an existing workspace
)OFF Close down the interpreter and exit the program. Same as )EXIT
)OPS Display operators only
)SAVE Save the current workspace
)SVAE Alternative spelling for )SAVE
)SI workspace State Indicator
)SIC State Indicator Clear

System Functions

Niladic System Functions
⎕A The alphabet from A to Z, also Á to Ź,  to Ẑ, À to À, Ä to Z and à to Z, all in lowercase, too
using the variations ⎕a ⎕A ⎕á ⎕Á ⎕à ⎕À ⎕â ⎕Â ⎕ä ⎕Ä ⎕ã ⎕Ã
⎕AV Atomic Vector
⎕CS Collating sequence
⎕EM Event Message
⎕ET Event Type
⎕LC Line Counter
⎕NNAMES Names of Open Native Files
⎕NNUMS Tie Numbers of Open Native Files
⎕SI State Indicator
⎕SYSID System Identifier
⎕SYSVER System Version
⎕T Tickcount
⎕TC Terminal Control Characters
⎕TCBEL Terminal Control Character, Bell
⎕TCBS Terminal Control Character, Backspace
⎕TCESC Terminal Control Character, Escape
⎕TCFF Terminal Control Character, Form Feed
⎕TCHT Terminal Control Character, Horizontal Tab
⎕TCLF Terminal Control Character, Line Feed
⎕TCNL Terminal Control Character, New Line
⎕TCNUL Terminal Control Character, Null
⎕TS Time Stamp
⎕WA Workspace Available
Monadic or dyadic system functions
⎕AT Attributes
⎕CR Canonical representation
⎕DC Data Conversion
⎕DFT Discrete Fourier Transform
⎕DL Delay or pause APL processing
⎕DR Data representation
⎕EA Execute alternate
⎕EC Execute controlled
⎕ERROR Signal error
⎕ES Event simulate
⎕EX Expunge names
⎕FMT Format
⎕FX Function fix
⎕MF Monitor function
⎕NAPPEND Append data to an open native file
⎕NC Name classification
⎕NCREATE Create and open a native file
⎕NERASE Erase an open native file
⎕NINFO Native file information
⎕NL Name list
⎕NREAD Read data from an open native file
⎕NRENAME Rename an open native file
⎕NREPLACE Replace data in an open native file
⎕NRESIZE Resize an open native file
⎕NSIZE Get the size of an open native file
⎕NTIE Open a native file
⎕NUNTIE Close a native file
⎕STOP Stop execution of a user-defined function/operator/hyperator or Magic Function
⎕TF Transfer form
⎕TRACE Trace execution of a user-defined function/operator/hyperator or Magic Function
⎕UCS Universal character set
⎕VR Vector representation of a function

System Variables